My name is Tsendra Dorji and I am 24 years old and I have started a Shitake and Oyster Mushroom farm in Babana, Doongna village.
I was fortunate that I met with EDO of Chukha Dzongkhag in March 2020 and having got the chance to do entrepreneurship training and pursue my dream to do mushroom cultivation. I have learned a lot from the entrepreneurship training. I have trained in mushroom cultivation and management training provided by Jangchuk Mushroom Farming Institute and learnt a lot from Trainer Jangchuk Dorji as well. This is also the main motivation for me to start my mushroom start-up.
I faced a lot of challenges in the begining. I have applied for a loan in CSI Bank and had tough time getting the loan. They approved my loan after I finished the construction of mushroom house. Being in a remote village and the lack of proper education is also a great challenge.
But all these challenges did not stop me from moving forward and becoming an entrepreneur. Currently, I am doing Shitake and Oyster mushroom cultivation.
In year 2021, I have cultivated 1000 Shitake billets and this year in year 2022, I have again inoculated 1700 new Shitake logs with spawn. This April, production is coming up and so far I could harvest only 2 Kgs of Shitake but I am hoping by next month, it will increase.
I have done Oyster mushroom cultivation as well and so far harvested 25 Kgs of it and sold at Nu. 300 per Kg.
I also remain thankful to YERE project of MoAF for all the support rendered to me with the 350,000 grant. This has greatly helped me to expand my farm.
Looking forward, I hope to establish a model mushroom farm in this remote village and encourage other youths to take up mushroom farming as well. I will remain ever grateful to Chhukha Dzongkhag Administration and all my colleagues who are mushroom growers who inspires me on a daily basis to keep going forward with my small startup.