My name is Seldon and I am 34 years old. I have completed only class seven and dropped from school. I live at Kamji, Geling Gewog with my two Sons. I am a housewife and I depended on the income of my husband until I availed the opportunity to attend Basic Entrepreneurs Course provided by Chhukha Dzongkhag. The training gave me confidence to begin a small business on my own and I started with making Khabzey and cookies to sell from shop to shop.
Now that I was in the WhatsApp group of Entrepreneurs who were trained by the Dzongkhag, I got an information that Chhukha Dzongkhag will be providing training Mushroom Cultivation and Management at the Jangchubshing Mushroom Farm. That was an idea opportunity for me to undertake as I have always wanted to do mushroom cultivation.
I remain thankful to Economic Development Officer and the Chhukha Dzongkhag Administration for having provided such support to a youth like us in rural areas and provided end to end support of construction materials to kickstart our enterprise.
Presently I have started a small Oyster Mushroom Farm with 200 Mushroom cylinder and plan to upscale to upto 1000 Oyster cylinders in a year’s time.
Since the road access is not near, the challenges of transporting of construction materials is difficult and unavailability of Mushroom spawn is another challenge.
With the guidance from Jangchubshing Mushroom farm and the Dzongkhag, I feel my startup can really flourish in future.